Garden International School

Garden International School


Saturday, 22 February 2014

Fun with maps!

On Friday we spent the afternoon making salt dough maps of Australia. The project started earlier on in the week with the students looking at different types of maps of Australia - environmental. political, topographic, elevation, and others - in some atlases. They were grouped into pairs and each pair was given a blank map on which to detail the features they wanted to include on their own 3D map. After that they had to cut out their enlarged map and either trace it or attach it to a piece of future board. Then, on Friday, made our own dough and got to work. Using their own maps and some class atlases, they filled in the boundaries and started shaping their features. We left the maps out to dry and will hopefully be able to paint them this coming week if they survived the weekend!
Here are a few pictures of everyone hard at work.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

We're almost there!

Only 2 more days until halfterm break!  With tomorrow being sport day, please remember house shirts, hats and sunscreen.  Some healthy snacks like fruit will also help to keep up the energy and stamina.

On Friday afternoon during last period, Year 6 will be attending the secondary talent show.  What a great opportunity to get a feel for secondary performances and the competition for next year!

To all actors and actresses in The Last Monster in Scotland - learn your lines and songs over the halfterm break!  Remember - no scripts after the 17th.