Garden International School

Garden International School


Tuesday 10 June 2014

Chiang Mai 2014!

Lessons learnt so far:
1. Train travel is slow and sometimes painful.
2. We need to better manage our batteries.
3. When out of electronic devices to play with, we WON'T die, melt, disintegrate, spontaneously combust... we might just remember how to play using our imaginations.
4. Showers are good. Clean is good.
5. Sleep is good! 

Today was Culture Day. We visited Doi Suthep temple and learned some very interesting things about the temple and its history. In the evening we went to a Khantoke dinner and ate traditional Northern Thai food like nam prik num, nam prik ong and gaeng heng-lay. Then we watched cultural performances and dances from the different regions of Thailand. We even got to join in for the last one!

We're exhausted! 

Tomorrow is Adventure Day! Can't wait to see what happens :-) 

Here are a few pictures of us so far...


  1. Looks like you're having a great time Year 6. Keep posting those photos. Have fun, Mrs Gordon :)

  2. We appreciate your efforts to update us with the events
